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Yoga at Home

Self-enquiry, Meditation & Silent

March 11 - 15th, 2025

  • Are you craving stillness?

  • Do you feel a need to go within?

  • Looking for answers or clarity?


Removing all the inner and outer noise & retreating into silence, you will realize that all the answers are already there.

Many of us live an active life, guided by an active & restless mind, in a world that is always moving and changing, a world with constant information and input, a world that makes it hard to find rest & inner peace.


In silence you realize how much energy dissipates in turning your focus outwards & that you do not depend on outside stimuli at all. In the stillness and silence you discover a whole new world within.


Shifting your attention away from the world, going within and retreating into silence, you can experience rest & inner peace.  



While at first the mind can be wild and hard to be tamed, through proper guidance, self-enquiry & meditation it can be silenced as well. In this state of outer and inner silence you will discover the natural bliss of just being.


Would you like to join us on this journey within?


"Listen to silence. It has so much to say." Rumi

Gabriel Grimaldi


Gabriel started on the path of yoga 8 years ago with the aim to find balance and wellbeing.


The more he practiced the more he wanted to know. This led him to travel all over the world trying different yoga styles and practicing with many teachers until he found a path that resonated with him: Jnana Yoga, the path of knowledge.


He was introduced to self-inquiry and Ramana Maharshi’s teachings by Mooji in India and recognized the truth of it immediately: going deep into the “I am” sense in the search of our true nature.  


Gabriel has taken many months in his own four walls to retreat into silence. A time where he experienced the power of stillness which led him to discover his true nature. Through daily practice and study he has come to understand and incorporate the wisdom of the ancient scriptures.


In this retreat he will share with you all his knowledge, understanding and the power of silence and self-enquiry.


Patricia Grimaldi


Ever since she came in contact with Ayurveda 9 years ago when at a crossroads Patricia has been on a deep dive into a yogic life, the search for truth and the path of healing.


After completing a Hatha Yoga Training in India, she founded Sapana Yoga in 2015. Her ongoing search led her to take many different trainings like Ayurveda, Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Akashic Records, Bhakti Yoga, Transformational Facilitation, Aerial Yoga, Vegan Nutrition, Coaching & more.


Her call has always been to keep on learning, transforming and going deeper within. To find her inner truth, to find clarity on where she wants to be in life & to follow her heart and intuition more and more. 


The many studies with spiritual teachers around the world have helped her to undertake deep transformation, live a life dedicated to the spiritual journey and share all this knowledge with others in her classes, retreats and trainings.


Learn more about me & Gabriel on my Blog or Instagram.

"There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self." Mooji

What's part of the Silent Retreat?


  • 4 nights of accommodations (Retreat Center Info here)

  • 3 fresh, healthy, & nourishing vegan daily meals

  • 3 full days of silence

  • Water & Tea

  • Daily Hatha Flow & Yin Yoga classes

  • Daily Meditations

  • Daily Reflection Sessions & Satsangs (Q&A)


You can find the location & Retreat Center Information here


“Make peace with silence, and remind yourself that it is in this space that you'll come to remember your spirit. When you're able to transcend an aversion to silence, you'll also transcend many other miseries. And it is in this silence that the remembrance of your true nature will be activated.” Wayne W. Dyer

In this Silent Retreat we would like to guide you along this journey. We aim to provide a setting in nature and outer silence and plant based, nutritional & sattvic food to help keep outer and inner distractions to a minimum.


Every day there will be yoga classes to help the body stay at ease in the meditation sessions. Daily Satsangs (Q&A) will help to clarify any doubts or questions that arise in your meditations or silent time. During the reflection sessions Gabriel will share insights into sacred texts that help with going deeper in meditation and support your contemplation and silent moments.


The experience of silence will open a door for you. A place which you will always be able to retreat back into, a haven of strength and inner peace where you will be able to always find guidance throughout your daily life. Let us help you to open this door.



899 $ per person in single Glamping Tent with shared bathrooms (book here)

799 $ per person in single Glamping Tipi with shared bathrooms (book here)

649 $per person in shared room for 2 or in double Glamping Tent with shared bathrooms (book here)


The price includes the whole program, accommodation and food/beverages. Flights, transfers and travel & health insurance are not included. Transport from and to the airport can be arranged for an extra fee. â€‹Spots are limited to 10 participants. You can find all information on the Retreat Center and our location here.


​Looking forward to sharing the silence with you!

Love & light,

Patricia & Gabriel



​"As a yoga teacher I have experienced many retreats and this one really was very special. The location, the food and the programme was so carefully and lovingly planned, I felt supported, nurtured and transformed. Patricia and Gabriel created a safe space for deep and profound experiences."

Kate Caistor, 50, Yoga Teacher

"The retreat was powerful, inspiring, nourishing and soul defining. From the arrival to end, I loved every minute. The yoga, mediation and spiritual journey was incredible and the food delicious. I headed home happy and inspired."

Samantha Knight, 35, Interior Designer

For any questions or doubts, please send us an email.

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